Thursday, June 19, 2008



Do you know the reason why some people respond well to certain products while others taking the same products have minimal results? The best nutritional products will be of no benefit to you if your body cannot absorb and utilise it. Other than being a complete waste of your hard earned money, your health is also gravely affected!

Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? Yes, good health starts from your stomach. Food and supplements are broken down in the stomach. It is where proteins became amino acids which are used by your body to manufacture enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters muscle, connective tissue, and other protein structures, it separates fats and oils from your food, it separate the minerals from your food and it also help you to obtain many of the vitamins from your foods and supplements.

After your stomach, the material is moved down into your intestines where the process of more digestion or breaking down your food takes place. Serious health problems due to undigested material which can manifest themselves as food allergies due to the fact that food particles are not being broken down small enough in size, so they are entering your blood stream and causing allergic reactions as your immune system attacks them. If the digestion job is correctly done, you will now have all kinds of beneficial nutrients in your intestines ready to be absorbed and utilized by your body.

However, to allow absorption you need to have the right bacteria in your intestines and colon. An unhealthy intestinal flora system will not only causes heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating but also chronic infections and a whole host of serious health problems. Do you know that 80% of your immune system is located in your digestive system? The food that we take that is mostly over processed, poor eat habits, sedentary lifestyles and the antibiotics (Against life) that we frequently take for common cold, infections, sore throats, fever and etc. depletes the friendly bacteria that is in our intestinal tract from birth.

We need to replenish these living micro organisms in order to promote the health-enhancing functions of our digestive system. These friendly bacteria could ingest and excrete pathological intestinal bacteria that can actually eat and eliminate the unfriendly bacteria, and all the while creating a healthy intestinal environment for maximum absorption! After years of neglect, the microflora in our intestinal tract is lined with sludge that is inhabited by more than 500 species of bacteria, about 100 trillion of bacteria, weights about 900grams to 1.35kg and the ideal balance between the good and bad bacteria should be 85% good and 15% bad. We need to remove this toxic sludge from our intestinal tract and have it replaced with health-promoting bacteria.

Lactobacillus which is a friendly bacteria are normally found in a healthy gut where they inhibit and prevent dangerous unfriendly organisms from taking over. They produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA's) and lactic acid that lowers your intestinal pH, making your intestinal environment unsuitable for unfriendly bacteria and deadly organisms like salmonella, listeria, clostridium perfringens, entercocci, bacteroides, staphylococci, campylobacter.. and many others! These unfriendly bacteria if left uncontrolled can cause bloating, diarrhoea, chronic infections, liver damage, carcinogenesis, intestinal putrefaction, anti-biotic associated colitis, inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Chron's disease, colorectal cancers and many more. Highly pathogenic -unfriendly organisms will cause many serious diseases like lupus, dermatomyositis, psoriasis, pancreatitis, breast cancer, Candida albican (yeast infection), virginities, urinary tract infections, cirrhosis of the liver, acne, constipation, food poisoning, ear infections, irritable bowel syndrome... all of these and many other diseases are the results of these highly pathogenic bacteria being allowed to multiply due to inadequate levels of the good bacteria to control them.

Detoxify and Populate Your Colon With Friendly Bacteria

These lactobacilli ingest bad bacteria and then excrete them through our faecal material; therefore unless they are able to multiply in your gut, you will quickly run out of these friendly bacteria. Lactobacilli do in fact multiply in your gut but only under the right conditions. Many products in the market did not provide the food for Lactobacillus in order for them to thrive and flourish. What they need is inulin, an all natural fructooligopolysaccharide-(FOS) derived from chicory roots that can survive through our digestive system and arrive unchanged in the colon. Scientific research in fact shows that inulin actually allows the friendly bacteria to increase at a staggering rate of 5 to 10 times in actual number with corresponding decreases in actual number of putrefactive bacteria! Inulin not only gives the lactobacillus what they need to thrive, but it also increase carbohydrate metabolism, increase fat metabolism, suppress the appetite, act as an additional source of soluble dietary fibre, enhance the absorption of Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, and Iron electrolytes, does not increase the blood sugar levels or insulin levels and metabolized slowly to prevent a hypoglycaemic state

OPTIGEST, with its 7 types of probiotics, inulin and fibre is known for its marvellous health benefits to ensure that whatever live organisms that is left after ingestion can survive and reproduce in the intestines. It requires no refrigeration to protect its potency and can survive down into your gut to ensure you reap fully the tremendous health benefits of probiotics, prebiotics (inulin) and fibre (psyllium husk) in :-
--- Producing vitamin B complex, K & A
--- Digesting lactose and proteins
--- Preventing constipation
--- Preventing diarrhoea
--- Balancing intestinal pH
--- Preventing irritable bowel syndrome
--- Regulating bowel movement
--- Colon and cells cleansing
--- Preventing colitis
--- Preventing colon cancer
--- Preventing malabsorption
--- Preventing bacterial and fungal infection
--- Preventing allergies
--- Breaking down and rebuilding hormones
--- Preventing autoimmune diseases
--- Promoting healthy metabolism
--- Detoxification
--- Preventing bad breath
--- Preventing heart diseases
--- Providing vitamins and trace minerals

BERITA HARIAN, 18 June 2008, Wed, “Famous local musician and composer died of colon cancer. Aged 53. He was diagnosed with colon cancer 2 months ago.”

So add more LIFE to your years with probiotics. Don’t let your digestive challenges control your life and your overall health. Live your desired active and rewarding lifestyle with OPTIGEST now.

Each box contains 20 sachets. Very convenient, even when you travel. No refrigeration required.
Promotional Price
Sold at RM105 (WM); RM112 (EM); S$59 (S’PORE)

Mix 1 sachet of OPTIGEST in a glass of water (300ml). Stir and consume immediately. Consume after meal is recommended for those with gastric concern.

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